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来源:http://www.huafengxiangsu.com 时间:2019-07-04 16:24:35 浏览次数:0
  There are many kinds of products to choose from, depending on the industry used.
  链板保送机由驱动张紧安装,链板体和电控系统组成。 柔性保送办法能够保送各种外形的资料,并普遍用于食品,家用电器,医疗,电子产品,汽车,化学品,能源等行业。
  Chain plate conveyor consists of driving tension installation, chain plate body and electronic control system. Flexible delivery method can deliver information of various shapes, and is widely used in food, household appliances, medical, electronic products, automobiles, chemicals, energy and other industries.
  Please note the following points when choosing chain-plate escort machine:
  1.思索本人的消费情况。 链板保送机在不同行业中的应用是不同的。 关于汽车,家电等大型机电行业,应选择重型链板保送机,食品,电子等行业应选择轻链板保送机。
  1. Think about my consumption. The application of chain-plate escort in different industries is different. For large-scale electromechanical industries such as automobiles, household appliances, heavy chain-plate deliveries should be selected, and light chain-plate deliveries should be selected for food, electronics and other industries.
  2.肯定资料请求。 链板保送机的链板由聚丙烯,聚乙烯,乙缩醛,尼龙,不锈钢等制成; 链板保送机的框架由不锈钢,高强度铝合金,碳钢板弯曲,碳钢通道等组成,依据您运输的资料的特性选择适宜的资料。
  2. Confirmation of information requests. The chain plate of chain plate conveyor is made of polypropylene, polyethylene, acetal, nylon, stainless steel, etc. The frame of chain plate conveyor is composed of stainless steel, high strength aluminium alloy, carbon steel plate bending, carbon steel channel, etc. The appropriate information is selected according to the characteristics of the information you transport.
  3.肯定运输方向。 依据保送方向的不同,链板保送机分为直线链板保送线、爬坡链板保送机、转弯链板保送机、垂直链板保送机、曲线链板保送机、积放链板保送机等。依据场地空间特性选择保送方向。
  3. Determine the direction of transportation. According to the different direction of delivery, chain-board delivery machine is divided into straight-line chain-board delivery line, climbing chain-board delivery machine, turning chain-board delivery machine, vertical chain-board delivery machine, curve chain-board delivery machine, accumulated chain-board delivery machine and so on. Choose the delivery direction according to the space characteristics of the site.
  4.肯定根本参数。 保送机的宽度,高度,间距,长度,保送速度和承载才能可依据消费者的需求停止设定。
  4. Affirming the fundamental parameters. The width, height, spacing, length, speed and carrying capacity of the delivery machine can be set according to the needs of consumers.
  链板保送线构造简单,性能稳定,保送速度快,消费周期短。 因而,有必要在选择中综合思索各种要素,使链板保送机可以充沛发挥其作用。
  Chain board delivery line has the advantages of simple structure, stable performance, fast delivery speed and short consumption cycle. Therefore, it is necessary to consider all kinds of factors comprehensively in the selection, so that the chain plate escort machine can play its full role.
  If you need a conveyor belt with large inclination, click on our official website for telephone consultation: https://www.huafengxiangsu.com, we will serve you wholeheartedly!


