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来源:http://www.huafengxiangsu.com 时间:2020-09-10 17:00:02 浏览次数:0
1. 在使用的过程中,千万把不同类别和不同规格的大倾角输送带,混合连接在一起使用。这样使用容生故障。
1. In the process of use, do not mix and connect different types and specifications of large angle conveyor belts together. In this way, the fault can be caused.
2. 在使用过程中,禁止折叠大倾角输送带,也不要和硬物相压,应该把它卷起来使用和保管。因为只有这样大倾角输送带不会出现破损现象。
2. In the process of use, it is forbidden to fold the large angle conveyor belt, and do not press against hard objects. It should be rolled up for use and storage. Because only in this way, the conveyor belt with large inclination angle will not be damaged.
3. 大倾角输送带运输物品的方向、物品下落的速度要与大倾角输送带方向、速度配合一致,要不然大倾角输送带上传输的物品大家都没这个速度去捡取,会造成堆积。
3. The direction and falling speed of the articles transported by the large angle conveyor belt should be consistent with the direction and speed of the large angle conveyor belt. Otherwise, the goods transported on the large angle conveyor belt will not be picked up at this speed, which will lead to accumulation.
4. 在使用大倾角输送带的时候一般要先空着大倾角输送带开动一下,这样做是为了防止输送机机超负荷或者是大倾角输送带会打滑,输送机停之前,要先将大倾角输送带上的物品全部卸完。
4. When using the large angle conveyor belt, it is generally necessary to start with the large angle conveyor belt empty. This is to prevent the conveyor from overload or sliding. Before the conveyor stops, the articles on the large angle conveyor belt should be unloaded.
5. 在使用大倾角输送带时张力不要太大,要在与传动辊不打滑和物品还没有过渡的前提下,一直保持着在小的张力下工作,不然大倾角输送带与传动辊之间会发生摩擦。
5. When using large angle conveyor belt, the tension should not be too large. Under the premise that the belt does not slip with the transmission roller and the goods have not yet transited, it should always work under a small tension, otherwise there will be friction between the large angle conveyor belt and the transmission roller.
6. 大倾角输送带在输送物品的过程中千万不要让大倾角输送带跑偏或者弯曲着运行,如果出现,一定要及时调整。
6. In the process of conveying goods, the large angle conveyor belt must not be deviated or bent. If it appears, it must be adjusted in time.
7. 在使用中如果出现打滑或拉不动物品的现象,要及时维修故障,调节大倾角输送带的张紧程度,要保持带子的松紧装置灵活。
7. In case of slipping or unable to pull the goods in use, timely repair the fault, adjust the tension degree of large angle conveyor belt, and keep the belt elastic device flexible.


