What is the repair method of the circular conveyor belt? Here is a large angle conveyor belt manufacturer for you. I hope our introduction can help you better.
1. 其次,根据输送带损坏部分的大小,建议使用没有半硫化层的材料对结合面进行进一步打磨,用半硫化层修补带和补片。输送带的损坏部位和输送带修补带半硫化的表面,先刷带胶,晾干一会儿,再刷第二遍。将贴片拉直贴在输送带磨削面上。用橡胶锤或压实辊撞击压实环。环形输送带的修复方法将驱动出空气。
1. Secondly, according to the size of the damaged part of the conveyor belt, it is recommended to further polish the joint surface with materials without semi vulcanization layer, and repair the belt and patch with semi vulcanization layer. For the damaged part of the conveyor belt and the semi vulcanized surface of the conveyor belt repair belt, brush the belt rubber first, dry it for a while, and then brush the second time. Pull the patch straight on the grinding surface of the conveyor belt. Impact the compaction ring with a rubber hammer or compaction roller. The repair method of the circular conveyor belt will drive the air out.
2. There is a great relationship between the performance, structure and number of layers of the circular conveyor belt and the core material. The multi-layer cotton canvas conveyor belt has low strength, many layers, is not fatigue resistant, easy to mildew corrosion, heavy weight, high energy consumption, nylon conveyor belt, high strength, elasticity, light weight, good impact resistance and bending strength. Its tank performance, mildew resistance and water resistance are better than those of ordinary cotton canvas as the skeleton The disadvantage of conveyor belt is elongation. Nylon tape can be selected preferentially for a long time during tension. The strength of polyester tape core is similar to that of cotton fiber, and it has all the advantages of nylon tape,
3. Its elastic modulus is higher than that of nylon, its elongation is small, and its size stability is good. It is an ideal transport belt commonly used in industry. It has high strength, good groove, small elongation and short tension stroke, especially suitable for the requirements of large capacity, high belt speed and long-distance transport.
Do you know how to repair the circular conveyor belt through the manufacturer of high angle conveyor belt? Please pay attention to more information; https://www.huafengxiangsu.com